Call for Nominations – President Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster

The Toronto Health Libraries Association (THLA) is looking for a new President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, and Webmaster. All of these positions are great opportunities for professional development, to meet fellow health information professionals (including both librarians and library technicians) and to help plan activities for the THLA membership. Come lend us your talents and be a leader in the health information profession.

Duties of the President-Elect: “The President-Elect shall act in the absence of the President, assist the President in the performance of duties, act as Programme Coordinator and perform other duties as assigned by the Executive.” A three year commitment is expected for the position (one year as President-Elect, one year as President, and one year as Past-President). 

Duties of the Secretary: “The Secretary shall keep a record in minutes of the proceedings of Association meetings and shall have custody of all books, records and papers of the Association, except such as shall be in the custody of other persons authorized to have possession by resolution of the Executive Committee.” The Secretary shall be elected for one term of two years, and may elect to serve for a second consecutive term of office. 

Duties of the Treasurer: “The Treasurer shall supervise the collection of, and keep on deposit the funds and securities of the Chapter; keep a full, correct and clear record of the financial transactions of the Chapter, supporting all disbursements with proper vouchers; cause a register of all Members of the Chapter to be maintained; see that the funds of the Chapter are disbursed as directed by the Chapter executive committee; prepare sections within the Chapter Annual Report, as necessary; and perform such other duties as may be designated by the Chapter executive committee from time to time. The Treasurer shall be elected for one term of two years, and may elect to serve for a second consecutive term of office. 

Duties of the Webmaster: “The Webmaster shall maintain the chapter website, and shall attend executive meetings. The Webmaster shall also perform other duties, as required.”The Webmaster will serve a two year term, with unlimited renewals at the agreement of the executive committee members and the appointee.

You can nominate yourself or a colleague who is a THLA member in good standing (written consent of the nominee is required) and include the names and contact information of two THLA members. Please send in your nominations by April 5, 2019. If you have any questions or would like to send in a nomination, please contact the THLA Executive Committee by emailing:

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