Farah Friesen
Current job title: Manager, Research & Knowledge Mobilization
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Previous work experience: Farah has a Bachelor of Arts (English Literature) and a Master of Information (LIS specialization) from the Faculty of Information, University of Toronto. She worked as a Reference Intern at the OCAD U Library and volunteered with the St. Michael’s Hospital Library. Soon after graduation, she lucked into the world of research and has worked as a Research Coordinator, Program Coordinator, Knowledge Broker, and Research Associate and is currently Manager, Research & Knowledge Mobilization. She has 9 years of research experience in health professions education. Farah is passionate about facilitating informed decision-making by integrating diverse perspectives and knowledge into practice (from curriculum development to strategy and policy work). Farah’s main research interest is in critically examining traditional academic performance indicators, encouraging alternative perspectives on metrics, and working towards a broader (re)definition of research and educational impact. (Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=AuqjHZ8AAAAJ&hl=en). She has been part of 21 peer-reviewed publications with a book chapter and additional articles in progress, over 24 peer-reviewed conference presentations, and 19 invited talks and teaching from undergraduate to graduate and faculty development programs. Farah is very open to chatting with those interested in branching out and applying their skills to fields outside of libraryland and looking forward to learning from others to keep building her knowledge of current library and information practices.
Areas of expertise: research (e.g. REB, developing research Qs, data collection/analysis, manuscript preparation, conference presentations, etc.), knowledge synthesis, ethically important moments in research, knowledge mobilization, scholarly communication (metrics and research impact), curriculum development and evaluation, and management (conducting effective meetings, communication skills, project mgmt)
Contact info: Farah.Friesen@uhn.ca
Ani Orchanian-Cheff
Current job title: Information Specialist
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Previous work experience: Ani Orchanian-Cheff, B.A., M.I.St., works as an Information Specialist at the University Health Network (UHN), Toronto. She has over twenty years of experience both in health sciences librarianship and as the hospital’s Corporate Archivist. In her capacity as Information Specialist, Ani provides Clinical Librarian services and training on evidence-based literature searching. Her client areas include, Family & Community Health, Community Mental Health & Addictions, Medicine, and Transplantation. She is also experienced at searching for knowledge synthesis projects and in that capacity has co-authored over 50 publications.
Areas of expertise: knowledge synthesis
Contact info: ani.orchanian-cheff@uhn.ca
Carolyn Ziegler
Current job title: Information Specialist, Library Services, Unity Health Toronto
Preferred pronouns: she/her
Previous work experience: Information Specialist, Trent University Library; Research Librarian, Medical Library, University of Bern, Switzerland
Areas of expertise: hospital & medical librarianship, literature searching, knowledge synthesis methodology (systematic, scoping, rapid reviews etc.), bibliometrics, instruction.
Contact info: carolyn.ziegler@unityhealth.to
NOTE: There are additional mentors who do not appear on this page. If you are a THLA member, you can email the secretary and request contact details for other mentors.